What Is Colic?
What is GERD And Is There Help?
What color is Colic-Ease gripe water?
Will this gripe water work for my baby?
Is Colic-Ease FDA approved?
What is the difference between Colic-Ease and other brands of gripe water?
What is sodium bicarbonate and why do you stress that it's NOT in your product?
What is charcoal (aka activated charcoal or vegetable carbon) doing in some gripe waters and why dont you use it?
What are the ingredients in Colic-Ease gripe water?
Is Colic-Ease gripe water safe for my baby?
A teaspoon is difficult for our 10-week old to take - we spill a fair amount. I'm breastfeeding so I can't add it to her bottle. Do you have any suggestions?
How does Colic-Ease help with hiccups and teething?
How can I order Colic-Ease gripe water?
How long can I store an unopened bottle of Colic-Ease?
How long will it last after I open the bottle?
How often should the doses be administered?
Should I administer Colic-Ease before or after feeding my baby?
How long will it be after the dose is given before it starts to take effect? How long will it last?
Why are there other ingredients such as Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Benzoate and Polysorbate 80 in Colic-Ease?
Are there any side effects?
Is it safe to mix Colic-Ease with any other products or medications that my baby is taking?
I have got some Colic-Ease left over, what can I do with it?
What is your privacy policy?
Refund Policy

What Is Colic?

It can occur in any healthy baby, but exactly what is colic? The term colic involves continual, unexplained crying for several hours a day. Colic is considered a blanket term covering multiple issues that are causing pain or discomfort including excessive gassiness, cramping and bloating. Colic episodes generally occur by late afternoon into evening.

The number three (3) can be the key to determining if a baby has colic. Babies often cry uncontrollably for 3 hours, beginning around 3 weeks of age and they cry for at least 3 days a week. The crying can last 3 months or longer and usually occurs at the same time each day.

The persistent crying from colic may last hours or for shorter time frames. Parents long to relieve their baby’s discomfort, especially when their baby is exhibiting extreme pain caused by excessive trapped gas, cramps and bloating. Colic-Ease gripe water can ease these painful episodes and bring quick, soothing relief to your baby. Visit our (what is colic page) to learn more about colic and potential relief. Remember, your baby is getting used to their new environment. As his or her digestive system matures, they will become more tolerant, comfortable, and less gassy.

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What is GERD And Is There Help?

If your child has chronic, recurring reflux, the condition may be developing into GERD. What is GERD? The disease occurs when frequent gastro-esophageal reflux (GERD) causes complications. The symptoms that usually signal when common reflux has progressed to GERD include the following:

  • Isn't gaining weight
  • Spits up forcefully, causing stomach contents to shoot out of his or her mouth
  • Spits up green or yellow fluid
  • Spits up blood or a material that looks like coffee grounds
  • Resists feedings
  • Has blood in his or her stool
  • Has other signs of illness, such as fever, diarrhea or difficulty breathing
  • Begins vomiting at age 6 months or older

Knowledge of what GERD is can help parents take action. A specialist may offer GERD medications or suggest a natural treatment like Colic-Ease gripe water.

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What color is Colic-Ease gripe water?

Colic-Ease gripe water is a clear, colorless liquid that is contained in an amber colored bottle.

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Will this gripe water work for my baby?

According to an independent survey based upon 2 years of data from Colic-Ease gripe water customers in regard to the result of using this product for colic, teething gas and hiccups: 91% report it had a positive effect and would recommend Colic-Ease gripe water. 83% report that the "formulation and ingredients" influenced their choice. 78% report Colic-Ease gripe water was recommended through a person in the medical profession such as a pediatrician, lactation consultant, midwife and doula.

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Is Colic-Ease FDA approved?

The FDA oversees all food and drug products. Since Colic-Ease is a dietary supplement, it does not fall into either of these categories. However, in 1994 the FDA set up guidelines for dietary supplements, including labeling requirements, and created the Dietary Supplement Health Education Act (DSHEA). Colic-Ease follows all of DSHEA's guidelines. In addition, Colic-Ease is manufactured in an FDA approved and inspected lab, with a Certificate of Analysis issued for each ingredient to check for items such as acidity/alkalinity, metals, organic volatile impurities and ingredient identification.

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What is the difference between Colic-Ease and other brands of gripe water?

Only the Colic-Ease gripe water is a purely herbal remedy consisting of five herbal oils. Each of these oils contain properties that when combined, allow Colic-Ease to address the broadest range of symptoms.
Colic-Ease has a full 7 ounces (200 ml), the brand with sodium has only 4 ounces and the brand with charcoal has only 2 ounces! Colic-Ease brand lasts the longest unopend at 3 years and opened at 6 months!

American made FDA lab tested formula brought to you with care and the highest quality.
Conversely, other gripe water brands rely on the effect of non-herbal ingredients (i.e. sodium bicarbonate or charcoal/vegetable carbons) in their formulas. You can read more about why we don't use sodium bicarbonate or charcoal for infants in this FAQ section.

It is equally important to note that Colic-Ease DOES NOT CONTAIN any of the following ingredients:
NO Drugs
NO Alcohol
NO Sodium Bicarbonate
NO Charcoal, Sucrose or Sorbitol
NO Glycerin, Soy, Gluten, Starch, Dairy Products
NO Wheat, Sodium Bisulfate, Yeast, Artificial Flavors, Sweeteners or Colors.

Other Gripe
Water Brands
Use 5 Herbal Oils
(not extracts or tinctures)
Safest Gripe Water
Highest recommended levels of protection against bacterial contamination.
Requires NO Refrigeration
USES NO Sodium Bicarbonate
(Baking Soda)
USES NO Vegetable Carbon
USES NO Chamomile
(Potential allergen)
Every other brand
Has only 4oz or 2oz
Longest Shelf Life
3 years unopened
6 months opened

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What is sodium bicarbonate and why do you stress that it's NOT in your product?

Sodium bicarbonate is commonly known as baking soda. We do not use sodium bicarbonate in the Colic-Ease formula for the following reasons:

The baking soda manufacturers state on the warning label on their product, "WARNING: Except when advised by a physician: Do not use the maximum dosage of this product for more than 2 weeks;…Do not give to children under 5 years of age;…"

When a baby is colicky and/or gassy, it does not mean that the baby has an acidic stomach - it may very well be alkaline. Introducing sodium bicarbonate (an alkaline) into the baby's diet over a period of days or weeks can cause the pH in the baby's stomach to become too alkaline and may actually cause the baby to have a colicky condition again.

*Sodium bicarbonate has been shown to deplete and interfere with Folic Acid and Iron, indicating that it may affect the function or absorption of the two.

Antacids (including sodium bicarbonate) do interact with or prevent the absorption of many medications, including: aspirin, salicylates, diabetic medicines (Diabinese, Micronase, Glucotrol), tetracycline (Sumycin, Tetracyn), penicillamine (Depen, Cuprimine), iron (Feosol, ferrous sulfate, Nu-Iron), ulcer medications (Tagamet, Zantac, Pepcid, Axid).

According to Medline Plus, a service of the National Library of Medicine: oAntacids [sodium bicarbonate] should not be given to young children (up to 6 years of age) unless prescribed by their doctor. Since children usually cannot describe their symptoms very well, a doctor should check the child before giving this medicine. The child may have a condition that needs other treatment. If so, antacids will not help and may even cause unwanted effects or make the condition worse.

[Notation] Sodium bicarbonate should also be avoided in the presence of other conditions such as: Appendicitis, intestinal or rectal bleeding, edema, heart, kidney or liver disease, high blood pressure, problems with urination and toxemia of pregnancy which may make these conditions worse.

Do not take this medicine [sodium bicarbonate] with large amounts of milk or milk products. To do so may increase the chance of side effects.

Do not take sodium bicarbonate for more than 2 weeks or if the problem comes back often.

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What is charcoal (aka activated charcoal or vegetable carbon) doing in some gripe waters and why dont you use it?

Listed below is some information about why we do not include charcoal (aka activated charcoal or vegetable carbon) in our gripe water and make a point of letting you know why. For more in depth information please consult the sources listed at bottom.

Activated charcoal's most important use is for treatment of poisoning. It helps prevent the absorption of most poisons or drugs by the stomach and intestines.

What other names is Activated Charcoal known by?
Activated Carbon, Animal Charcoal, Carbon, Carbo Vegetabilis, Charcoal, Gas Black, Lamp Black, Medicinal Charcoal, Vegetable Carbon, Vegetable Charcoal. All are the same.

For uses other than for treatment of poisoning. Charcoal has also been used to treat other intestinal disorders such as diarrhea, constipation, and cramps. There are few studies to support these uses and there are also concerns that Frequent use of charcoal may decrease absorption of essential nutrients, especially in children.

Charcoal should NOT be used in children under three years of age to treat diarrhea or gas.

Charcoal should not be given for more than three or four days for treatment of diarrhea. Continuing for longer periods may interfere with normal nutrition.

Charcoal binds to other drugs and reduces their effectiveness, which could become dangerous.

Some activated charcoal products contain sorbitol. Sorbitol is a sweetener as well as a laxative, therefore, it may cause severe diarrhea and vomiting. These products should not be used in infants.

Parents should not mix charcoal with chocolate syrup, sherbet, or ice cream, even though it may make charcoal taste better. These foods may prevent charcoal from working properly.

Activated charcoal may cause swelling or pain in the stomach. A doctor should be notified immediately. It has been known to cause problems in people with intestinal bleeding, blockage or those people who have had recent surgery. These patients should talk to their doctor before using this product.

Charcoal may be less effective in people with slow digestion.

Activated charcoal should be kept out of reach of children.

Activated charcoal may cause the stool to turn black and cause staining.

Pain or swelling of the stomach may occur. Doctor should be consulted.

Charcoal is black and stains before during and after digestion. Diapers, bibs, clothes and skin all can become stained with the black charcoal.


1. Charcoal, MEDLINEplus, National Institutes of Health, 1999.

2. Tran M. Charcoal, activated, Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine

3. Debora Tkac, editor, The Doctors Book of Home Remedies, Prevention Magazine Health Books, Rodale Press, Emmaus, Pennsylvania

4. The rx list, rxlist.com

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What are the ingredients in Colic-Ease gripe water?

EACH ONE OF THE HERBS in the Colic-Ease formula is listed on the FDA's GRAS, Generally Recognized As Safe, list.



For a detailed description of the full benefits of each herb individually please visit our ingredients page

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Is Colic-Ease gripe water safe for my baby?

Yes, at Colic-Ease, Inc. we are dedicated to providing our customers with a gripe water product of unsurpassed quality. The ingredients in Colic-Ease gripe water have met stringent requirements before being approved for use in our formula. Prior to being released for shipment, testing is done on every new production batch to confirm the accuracy of the formulation's ingredients. Then a "Certificate of Analysis" is issued for each ingredient to ensure that it has been checked for acidity/alkalinity, heavy metals, organic volatile impurities (microorganisms) and identification confirmation of the actual ingredient itself.

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A teaspoon is difficult for our 10-week old to take - we spill a fair amount. I'm breastfeeding so I can't add it to her bottle. Do you have any suggestions?

For best results you can use a medication dispenser with up to 5 ml. per dose. Colic-Ease can be mixed with the baby's formula, if necessary, for bottle fed babies. This method can be the least effective should the baby not finish the entire bottle, a complete dose will not be taken and the full benefit may not be achieved.

At Colic-Ease we don't place a dropper in the bottle with the gripe water because this will cause contamination to the remainder of the product.
We highly recommend the use of a medication dispenser for the following reasons:

  1. It is not re-dipped in the Colic-Ease bottle, thus avoiding any contamination to the remainder of the product
  2. It is easily cleaned/sterilized after each use
  3. Can be pre-filled for travel, baby-sitters, Grandparents
  4. Easy to measure correct dose - easy to use

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How does Colic-Ease help with hiccups and teething?

In hiccups, the diaphragm spasms, causing pain and discomfort. The Caraway Seed Oil in Colic-Ease is derived from a group of plants that help alleviate these painful spasms.

During teething, babies can cry excessively, taking in air. The Dillweed Seed Oil in Colic-Ease has an antifoaming action which dispels flatulence (gas) that is formed by this excessive air intake.

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How can I order Colic-Ease gripe water?

We accept Visa, Visa debit, MasterCard and MasterCard debit online 24 hours a day. You can give us a call to place a phone order at 954-623-3223.

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How long can I store an unopened bottle of Colic-Ease?

Colic-Ease may be stored up to 3 years if unopened (check expiration date stamped on bottle). Once opened, it can be stored safely and remain effective for six months when kept at room temperature, out of direct sunlight.

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How long will it last after I open the bottle?

6 months.

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How often should the doses be administered? Is it best to give them on a regular schedule (like every 4 hours or after feedings)?

Colic-Ease can be administered, as needed, every 1/2 hour, with up to 6 doses (or 12 half doses) in a 24-hour period. For best results, Colic-Ease should be given with each feeding (before, during or immediately after). It can also be given anytime in-between when your baby experiences discomfort from gas or cramping. If your baby is fussier at night, you can administer half doses during the day and full doses at night (not exceeding 6 full doses in a 24-hour period).

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Should I administer Colic-Ease before or after feeding my baby?

We get positive feedback about both methods, try each one and you will be able to see which method is working best for your baby.

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How long will it be after the dose is given before it starts to take effect? How long will it last?

Because each baby's body chemistry is different, results will vary. However, the greatest percentage of babies experience relief within the first 15 minutes. Most babies will remain comfortable for 4-6 hours.

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Why are there other ingredients such as Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Benzoate and Polysorbate 80 in Colic-Ease?

Many people falsely think that if a product is totally natural or even organic, it doesn't need protection. In fact, just the opposite is true. All food products need protection against the growth of microorganisms. To naturally inhibit microbial growth, we use Sodium Benzoate, an FDA-approved, polyunsaturated fat found naturally in organically grown cranberries and prunes, and Potassium Sorbate, a naturally occurring nutrient derived from the mountain ash tree. Polysorbate 80, derived from the fatty acids of vegetable oil, is an emulsifier used to bind the herbal oils to the water and each other in order for them to be effective. It should also be noted that there are micro amounts of these ingredients.

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Are there any side effects?

None have been noted. But since all babies are different, we always suggest that parents/grandparents consult with their baby's pediatrician before introducing a product.

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Is it safe to mix Colic-Ease with any other products or medications that my baby is taking?

We strongly advise parents to consult with their baby's pediatrician before using ColicEase in combination with any over-the-counter products or prescriptions. If you have additional questions, please contact us using our contact form.

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I have got some Colic-Ease left over, what can I do with it?

You can use Colic-Ease again when introducing new foods into your baby's diet that may cause gas pains. It is also effective for adults experiencing heartburn, bloating, nausea or indigestion. Adult dose is 4 tablespoons.

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What is your privacy policy?

Your information is your information. We NEVER sell or share any of the information given to Colic-Ease. The website is totally secure and so is your personal information.

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Refund Policy

We strive to achieve complete relief for all our customers, if for any reason you are not fully satisfied you can return your purchase made from this website for a refund minus shipping cost.
Please see the return policy below for all the information.


If you purchased Colic-Ease gripe water from a local store or another website, you will need to please contact that store and find the policy for that location for your refund.
Unfortuanly we can not refund, exchange or credit any purchases outside of this website under any circumstace.

A product purchsed from this website will be refunded within 30 days from the date of sale, less the shipping costs, no explinations needed!

The product for refund must have the
-original invoice included and
-be returned by the 30 day limit to the address listed below. *Please use a form of trackable shipping and alert us with an email ahead of time using info@colicease.com or our contact form.

Ship to:

Colic-Ease, Inc


PO Box 823844 

Pembroke Pines, FL 33082

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